Scripture Reading - Galatians 5:13,14

13 For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another.
14 For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. KJV

In verse 13 the scripture admonishes us not to allow our freedom (liberties) in Christ Jesus to become a stumbling block for someone else. This means just because we have some understanding of God’s Will we should never use this precious information of God in an arrogant fashion. I know in your life you have run across Christians and non-Christians alike that don’t believe quite the same way you do. However, don’t allow your zeal to witness for Jesus to become a stumbling block for someone else whom really needs God’s Love. Help the people you can help by your example of love, then if allowed give some words of truth. There will always be some people that don’t want your help, don’t worry about them just pray privately that they would be open to God’s Word. Keep your Christianity simple by love serve one another. If the love for the individual you are ministering to is not there (in your heart) don’t serve them. Most people can discern the difference between compassion and insincerity. If a person can not except the Love of God from you they certainly will not receive God’s Word spoken from your lips. Think about it, a baby boy can sense the love of a mother before he understands her words. It is important to have the right heart (motive) in our witness to people and our life before God. Monitoring how and when to use your liberties in Christ Jesus is truly loving your neighbor as yourself. Amen!